31 December, 2008

Welcome 2009

2008 has left with lots of bittersweet memories. Well, we learn from the bitter and keep up with the sweet ones. Lucky moments, Unlucky moments, Happy and Sad moments, Favourite mistakes being repeated ( typical me he..he..) BUt then, this is what life is all about rite. You live to learn.

The first half of my 2008 was a little bit dull with the hustle and bustle of preparing the proposal and University hunting. 2008 was no drama year unlike 2007. Second half of 2008 was the fun and adventurous part. I am in adelaide spending my second half of 2008. New air, new life, new environment, new 'mistakes', and so many new stuff. Dun mention the day light saving thingy plus the timing during summer ( I felt like a nocturnal something and haven't got a good, long night sleep since...). Well, to sum up :

1/ Had the most technology difficulties in 2008 like laptop totaly tak leh start ( this happens in February 2008 before i got Toshi.I was in the middle of the hardsick of preparing my proposal when acer broke down on me), then in Adelaide, my power cable terbakar, then my adaptor meletup....Phew....

2/Tak drive sebanyak yang pernah drive seperti tahun tahun sebelumnya. I miss my bumper car back home which is now in the hand of my Bro... (wahh.... joli katak la mamat tu)

3/Had never took a bus as much as I've taken in 2008 ( Kat malaysia mana selalu naik bus, sekali sekala naik la bus UiTM bila ada event..The rest naik kereta, Komuter and LRT.)

4/Crabbing !!!!! never ever done such a thing before this. Oh ya, i finally get to go to Taman Negara in 2008, always wanted to go but tak pernah dapat kelulusan 'FAMA' he..he..

5/Cherry picking!!! ( Although my dad says he took me for cherry picking when i was about 2 years old in US last time)

6/Had never shop as much as i have shopped in 2008 both before coming to Adelaide and after comming to Adelaide. Gila betul....SHopping maddness kat adelaide nih..Both for essentials and 'wants' he..he... actually yg 'wants' tu is to compensate u know what la...

7/Gila banyak kali pergi KLCC in 2008. Kalau tak, before this setahun sekali pun payah nak pi KLCC =p

8/Had my Raya out of Shah Alam.. he..he..he... 10 years in a row, raya kat shah alam with the same routine of going to the masjid, then 7 eleven, then balik rumah. I got no kampung... =(

9/I'd never thought i'd fall and hurt myself again at the same spot. It's just that, its confusing the way things were. Yang sudah tu sudah la....

10/I lost my handphone and all my other important stuff. I had never experience this before. Seumur hidup, tak pernah hilang barang mcm ni. Yes, i am disappointed with what happened but it's fated that way by Allah and it's a lesson to be learned.

Although ada banyak benda yang suka duka happening yang di listkan tapi tidak di list kan, 2008 telah berlalu dgn tenang.Alhamdulillah....Anyways,

Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics

Habis habis pun, it's a new start on old habits.he..he..
WHo doesnt, right ?

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