18 December, 2008

Things not to say to a PhD student ....


So, next time u meet a PhD student, u know what NOT to say and ask eyh....


Aizan Suhaira said...

Ahhh... I can never comprehend the world of academia. I was never a good student. How I got through my MBA, only God knows.

I'm doing investment research now, specifically quantitative analysis (yes, I hear your jaw dropping. The girl who is a total idiot when it comes to maths is doing quants now. Go figure!).

In my line of work we have to constantly produce papers and reports that are relevant and timely. And especially in this current economic condition, a few days could make a paper absolutely obsolete.

Urghhh... makes me go crazy.

Luvvvvv said...

heheh... ni kena standby question for my huby lah!

What's luv gotta do ? said...

Aizan : You can't be crazier he..he.. aduihhhh... I am getting crazy here too. Kata Permanent Head Damage kan.. he..he....

Watie : he..he...he...gud one huh.. =p

thewisekid said...
