08 December, 2008

Salam Aidiladha

Salam Aidiladha from Adelaide

I did not go for Eid Prayers with Suzie and Kak Nita. Then later, Suzie accompanied me to Flinders Medical Center (FMC) which was just around the corner. We walked to FMC. It's a very sunny day today.
Nice Flowers at Registry

I dunno the name of this flower he..he..

After the meeting the doctor and listen to all that I've heard before and all those nothing can be done thingy ( Okay... i have to admit, it's kinda depressing, but no harm trying right?) =) , Me and Suzie took a bus to Registry. To pass time, we duduk at 24 hrs computer lab and watch Awan Dania he..he...he...By lunch time, Kak Nita pick us up and we head home. Kak Nita pun sibuk jugak hari ni kat Lab dia, dgn 'anak anak' dia, dia punya writing and article review lagi, and with me and my appointment, we didn't join the celebration kat city. Sorry....keadaan tak mengizinkan...

Me, Suzie, kak nita and Kak Liza had our Raya lunch at Suzie's. Suzie buat nasi ayam for the lunch . I did my 'ayam Kuali' as per kak nita's request. he..he... Then , we went to raya with our AUnty Janet. We were telling Janet about the raya celebration in Malaysia and Janet calls herself as Aunty Janet, the closest relative for us he..he... kelakar lah Janet ni. Then Janet told us about how she will be celebrating chrismas this year.

Basically, that's how my aidiladha went and tumorrow, back to office. =p

Me and Kenneth Cole, on Aidiladha =)

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