17 December, 2008

Google Tag

G'day everyone, This is a formal Tag he..he.. I was tagged by my dear friend, Watie ( IBU UWAIS)

The rules are simple.

Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 7 people."

1. The age of my next birthday - 29

2. A place I'd like to travel to - the whole wide world =p

3. A favourite place - Well, My house tak listed dalam google lah.. he..he.. =p

4. A favourite thing - Books

5. A favourite food - Kuewtiau Goreng

6. A favourite colour - Black

7. The city I live in - Actually, i live in this city,

But currently living in,

8.The city I was born in - Penang, Pearl of the Orient

Chill betul pak cik beca ni kan.... he..he...

9. A nickname I had - Love


11. Name of first lover.. - also not listed on google he...he...he...

12. A bad habit - Sorry, i have dua la...

Bad Habit 1

Bad Habit 2


13. A hobby - Cooking

14. Current wish list -

This is not my Uni's robe but boleh la tu doctoral degree robe jugak.

=p insyallah, aminnnn.........

So, now, I Tag

1. Farhan
2. Nadia
3. Mak tam Suzie
4. Setulus Hati Seputih Salju
5. Lagi sape ek.....???
6. ...
7. ...


Anonymous said...

waaa...i pun u nak tag ker??akaun gmail tak setup lagi ni

Luvvvvv said...

ala.. idie... yg no 3 tu... sian u... sure really miss the house kan!!