20 March, 2011

Asparagus and Prawn Quiche

i was kinda stress and upset, and during this kinda time,  i usually cook. Cadangnya nak buat daging masak hitam alaa mak slalu buat ( mamak style) tapi hampeh, daging tak bwk kluar pulak.. nak tunggu , lambat...

So yesterday, i make asparagus and Prawn quiche. Got the recipe from Better Homes and Garden. Recipe memang sangat accurate dah tak tipu lansung okay.. turns out to be nice and yummeh too.

I did it from scratch as according to the recipe. from the pastry too the filling. Since kita ni tekak org melayu and nak la pedas sikit, the filling tu, ( asparagus and prawn, i sauted dgn onion besar, garlic and put cili powder, Cheyenne pepper, Chilli Powder, corriander, and parley to add taste..)

i was kinda excited laa sebab jadi..esp the pastry. WOOOHOOOO.. recipe dia tak de online pulak since i got it from the real life magazine kan.. nanti esok i gi uni i scan the recipe and put it here =)


Che Kay said...

alahai~ sayangnye tak de lauk hitam.... btw la ni saya kuat makan! always craving for food je. and hari ni pi kedai mamak lagi. Makan NASIK~~~ (padahal selalu tak makan nasi. makan mee o bihun)

What's luv gotta do ? said...

hehehe... che kay berselera betui naa.. hehehe