17 November, 2011

On writting ....

I stayed home the whole of today after meeting Helen, the DJ Village Dean.

Well, because I thought I'd lock myself up in the room, pull out the internet cable (this doesn't help actually hehee coz my laptop catches the uni housing Wi Fi connection,) lock the door, put iPhone on silent mode and write...

To good to be true, none of that happen. **Sigh**

Except that i met Helen at 10 at her office. Well, coz I will be leaving this beautiful heaven on earth soon, I might not get the chance to see her during summer. Turns out she not going on holiday this year and she will be here for Summer. So i'll just pop in again later. We had a good chat about Penang, which she looks forward to go on her next trip to Malaysia.

After meeting Helen, it's already 11, did my laundry, cook lunch ( my last packet of Mee ruski) which Mak brought on her trip last June, rebus cili kering to make cili boh (Last year, kakak made the a huge tub of cili boh and i brought it back to adelaide, it lasted me about 10 months until it habis last few months..) Clear some stuff here and there, Sat at the table, staring at my laptop, suddenly it's already magrib !!!

And now, dah pukul 11.34 pm... and i didn't write a single thing today !!! This is BAD !! really Bad !!

i guess lebih baik go to Sleep lah !

OK, esok, i will tie myself to the chair, no laundry, no cooking , no nothing... ( that's the downside of working from home  :(.....You really want to sit and read or write yr thesis, but no, vacuuming or doing laundry seems to be so much fun and inviting ahahahaha !!! )


Che Kay said...

bila dah ikat diri kat kerusi tu jangan tido pulak ye~! hahaha

What's luv gotta do ? said...

insyallah tidak !!! hehehehe