16 November, 2011

"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"

I just have to repost this !!!! It's addictive !!!

Tgk si Mercedes, Santana and Britney ni .. hehehehe with the nice black dress and the dance move.. and those heels....

Speaking about heels, OMG!! OMG !!! I bought a pair of easy Steps Heels online last few days !!! Except that it is not for me, It's for Mak to match her Bag! The parcel with her nine west bag has arrived in Malaysia last week and Mak is happy ;) The parcel was being detained at Customs in Sepang Post office sebab kena cukai.. HALAMAK !!! Sekali kena cukai laaa... i laughed when my Dad told me the story !!! Pakai je rugged, tapi kena cukai . Kot ye pun, orang yang nak pi claim parcel tu lebih ariff bab bab cukai nih...hehehe..

I was just wondering, how on earth am i going to start work next year with heels. The whole 3 and a half years of my life here, i only wear a pair of hand me down reebok trainers, Nike basket ball shoes, Merrel walking shoes and my new adidas lightweight sportshoes ( it is so light and comfy !!!) Erghhhh... i cant imagine how my foot is gonna tolerate this... both my foot got their own sets of brain, just like my hand and other body  parts.. My hand for example, these few days decided not to cooperate with me when i am handling stuff in the kitchen.  when i grab something, my hand decided to drop it.. hahahaha... now now, i dun wan to scare you guys, I am still sane okay, hehehehe

Oh ya, that video i posted above, baru keluar dalam GLEE tadi kat chanel 10. Apparently, its the last one for this year ;( and Santana gave a big tight slap on Finn's Face after she finished that number. Pastu habis.. woahahaha... now i personally feel like nak tampar orang jugak hehehe !


Che Kay said...

why kena cukai? cukai dari negara sana atau cukai dari kastam m'sia? awat pak i cakap kalau kita pos barang such as handbeg tak kena. katanya masa budjet tahun bila ntah katanya benda2 org pompuan ni dah tak kena cukai. i ada jugak cakap yg sebaliknya sebab kawan2 dok kena. skali pak i kata siapa kerja kastam dulu? terus full stop pasal cukai tu. hehehe

and you know what, hari ni sehari dok layan album2 si adele~ bila lagu rumour has it tu mai part chorus terus tertanya awat lain macam? skali lupa la. tu la dok layan glee byk sangat.

last sekali, awat semua rancangan tv dah habis thn ni? grey's anatomy pon sambung tahun depan. sebab nak cuti krismas ka depa semua?

What's luv gotta do ? said...

I wrote on the kotak, its a gift, Kastam tahan sebab ada 3 handbag dlm tu, 2 yang nine west tu, and lagi satu handbag utk my sister, i pun tak sure apsal kena tahan kan hehehe

Tapi nasib baik, when my mom and dad masuk dalam opis, ada sorang junior depa serbu depa, terus tak jadi cukai hehehehe, sign borang ja ;) hehehe

Che Kay said...

hehehe sib baik pak kerja kastam kan! lain kali boleh la buat bisnes dari oversea. suruh send tru bapak. hahaha

What's luv gotta do ? said...

Hahahaha !!!! Dapat kat bapak i, kalau buat lagu tu, ha siap !!! dia heret pi pejabat kastam duluu hehehehe dia strict oo