20 November, 2011


no.. it is not Sup ( What's up?) it is Soup..

During Raya Haji, the Student body buat korban, ada la dalam 15 lambs. so the bujang flinders pun masing masing dapat lah lamb yang di dermakan tu.

I turned mine into Kurma and Alia turned hers into rendang last two weeks. So Kak Hanim got hers slightly later. She planned to turn hers into Soup and call us all for dinner. Unfortunately, busy comes into our way ( boleh buat ayat mcm ni?) so Kak hanim cancelled the plan. She wanted to do the soup and send it over je nanti, She didnt have the time to google for soup recipe so she asked me.

I gave her the bestest soup ever, by Nani Rostam. Nani who? Puan Nani ni ialah Mak Hanis Zalikha. The recipe is kinda bnnyk benda nak buat but sedap. I've tried so i gave Kak Hanim the link. and to make things better, i even copied that blog post and emailed it to her.

Badabing Badabung, saturday night, she came over with the soup and say

"It doesn't really look like soup although i followed the recipe."

I was like " Seriously???" suspecting something because she had her share of mishap while cooking Sheperd's pie in which my phone doesn't stop ringing every ten minutes or so receiving sms from her. Hahaha.. sampai tak jadi writting petang tu.. it was ramadhan hehe.

So I asked her how she did it. Because i think i remembered the recipe well.

So she explained

"i potong bawang smua, pastu i goreng, pastu the recipe says goreng bawang merah smua tu dalam minyak yang banyak pastu angkat dan tos atas tisu, i did that la. smua asing asing, pastu bila tepung tu, i mcm mcm na nak goreng tepung ni? Tapi i goreng jugak la the tepung..pastu letak atas tisu, dah nak sama macam tisu dah..."

i listen carefully and,

" wait wait... you goreng smua asing asing?"

"ya.. asing asing, recipe tu kata asing asing...and i follow all the steps laa"

sambil menggaru kepala yang tak gatal sambil menahan nak gelak !!! Adui, unfortunately, me and Alia burst out to laugh when i told kak hanim the recipe.

" I thought you were supposed to cut the onions, put in the tepung so it got coated well and THEN you goreng them ..."

Kak Hanim was speechless and the look on her face was priceless !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aduiii jahat nya i gelakkan orang !!!

BY the way, here's the part of the recipe yang dia confuse tu

2) Mesti guna bawang merah dan bawang putih goreng buatan sendiri.(Hiris bawang merah dan bawang putih nipis-nipis berasingan dan goreng juga berasingan). Tabur tepung gandum, garam dan perasa ke atas bawang hiris lalu goreng ke dalam minyak yang agak banyak. goreng dengan api kecil sehingga garing kekuningan. angkat dan tos di atas kertas tisu dapur. Setelah agak sejuk dan rangup simpan di dalam bekas kedap udara berasingan bawang putih goreng dan bawang merah goreng.

I guess she baca the first ayat and get things going !!! Aduihai Dr. hanim , ku sayang !!!!! Nak pecah perut kami gelak !!!

Ok now here's the link to the recipe.. sedap wa cakap luuu. dan Soup kak hanim tu, walaupun "di goreng secara berasingan" tetap sedap !!! Power seyh

Resepi Sup Tulang Rusuk Kambing nanirostam


Che Kay said...

bagaimanakah kaedah menggoreng tepung? adakah jadi cucoq? aduhai!

What's luv gotta do ? said...

itu la dia nya... dia sendiri pun hairan, mcm na nak goreng tepung tapi dia buat jugak hehehehe aiseyhman !!!