21 November, 2011


Sebenarnya saya Puasa hari ini,

When i reached uni,  i bought Goulburn Valley Orange Juice utk buka puasa nanti. Then when i reached office, my officemate dah sampai and we bersembang kejap.

I dunno how, i buka the small bottle and drink as we sembang...

Then i realized,

"huishhh !!! Puasa kan??!!!"

tepuk Dahi...


Che Kay said...

tak pe tak sengaje~ beli la lagi satu

What's luv gotta do ? said...

Hahaha Che kay !!!! beli tu untuk berbuka puasa pada magrib nanti, memang hajat betul betul sampai sebab memang guna juice tu utk berbuka .. terus tak puasa lepas tu dah....