24 September, 2008

Bila nak siap ni?

It seems like HUsna is stuck forever with this stack of papers.
Husna sat here at the table and do it for hours.
But, Husna wonder why it is so hard to finish it.
Although dah buat banyak ni dari pagi tadi....( eh, banyak sangat ke since weekly meeting dgn Keith and Marian tadi?) ( makcik dan pakcik ni nak benda yang sama tapi presented in 2 different ways...later can pilih mana yang best...ok ok , i am not complaining)
Banyak la jugak =P.

Husna is used to do this kind of things,
In fact last time, Husna is the only one who loves to do the questionnaire's detailing to bits and pieces....
(sampai skit lagi nak kena Carpal Tunnel Syndrom, Bukan Karpal Singh Syndrom okay...=p)
Husna wonder what's wrong with Husna.
Nothing's holding Husna back,
Nothing at all...
but still.....

Is it penyakit M?,
Mental Block maybe, ( eleh, baru bulan kedua dah Mental Block, esok kalau tahun kedua, Mental apa plak ? Astagfirullah, minta di jauhkan ALLAH....)
okay, okay... May be Husna is tired and should go to bed.
(ha.. see, see.... nak procastinate la tu he..he...
Okay, one last chance...)

Since I am talking to myself, I think I SHOULD go Tido already....
Tido sebagai ibadah....

1 comment:

thewisekid said...

you've been tagged