22 September, 2008

GEt well Soon , Gurbin

I rarely meet and sembang with Gurbin these days. Before Ramadhan, we always have our breakfast or dinner together. Nowadays, it's either i left the house for office first or she does. And with the 'Potluck CLub' Agenda and Terawikh, lagi tak jumpa Gurbin. The last time I tgk Gurbin in one piece is on Saturday Night when i was cooking Ayam untuk makan dgn Capati. Tapi tak la sembang lama coz Gurbin nak tgk 'Meet the Parents' on TV that night.

Then on Sunday, when I left for the library, Gurbin was not up yet. And i tak jumpa dia eversince. And, me, after library, pergi rumah Kak Nita, buat karipap and then we went for terawikh, then Kak Nita invited us for ice cream plak after Terawikh. So I balik rumah agak lewat. As for me again, I guess the Ice cream dah make my nose misarable. So, minits before Sahur ended, I took my pills. After Subuh, ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz until 8.45, when my fon rang, talked to my friend with hangover and hidung sumbat. Now, i tak ingat half of the conversation...aiyoo...but i remembered some..

At about 9 am, Hania knock on my door.
Hania : Husna, WHat happen to Gurbin?
Husna : Haa? WHat happen to Gurbin? ( he..he.. i tanya dia balik?)
Hania : I saw someone came and pick her. She can't walk...
Husna : Really? I didn't bump into Gurbin at all yesterday.
Hania : Me too.
Husna : Okay, I will call her now.
( Haah.... teruknya, Housemate sakit pun tak tau. Hari tu si Hania missing in Action, tetiba dah kat Flinders Medical Center.)

So, I called Gurbin, but no answer. I smsed her, and waited, no answer.
I waited until kepala dah tak pusing sangat, i kemas dapur, basuh baju and stuff and review questionaire. Still no sms. I called Gurbin again, no asnwer. Hmmmm......

Then Nadia called nak pi bayar rent, i went with her, at Nadia's place, met Sharon and asked her. According to Sharon, Gurbin sprained her leg skit smlm, she said dun worry la, Gurbin must be at her office now, Esok, Gurbin ada important Presentation for her faculty's research week. ( oh ya, Sharon bagi biskut cream crackers yang ada gula tu.Dia bawak dari Singapore...he..he.. lama tak makan biskut tu)

ohhhh...like that... okay, no problem. I called Gurbin again, no answer AGAIN!!!! ok lah, tak pe. So, today, the Potluck ladies berbuka kat surau sebab terus nak tunggu Terawikh. Terasa sangat guilty kat gurbin coz masa i had fever last month, gurbin siap bagi makan nasi goreng dia lagi and keep checking on me.

While berbuka I received one sms :


Aduhai Gurbin, after terawikh, sampai je rumah i ketuk bilik Gurbin, dia pun bercerita lah, what a long day kat FMC, with the Xray and check up and all. How, she called security from her office. Kesian Gurbin. Gurbin cerita mcm mana dia terjatuh tangga. Missed the last anak tangga and kaki terpele'ot. She said it was okay at first but later in the night, dah tak leh gerak.

So, now Gurbin is on crutch.Sampai merah tangan dia. I told her i was sorry i didn't know, she said it was okay coz i wasn't home. Anyway, dia ingat lagi how i rush to Kak nita's place to pinjam minyak gamat masa she cut her hand last month. She gelak at me as i just simply dash off there sampai terlupa pakai tudung. Kak Nita pun terkejut tgk me without tudung. he..he.. ( Ye la, darah tak berhenti keluar masa tuu..so i just dash je la, i pun lupa...). Masa tu dah 90% siap nak gi office,cuma blum pakai tudung je.

Kaki Gurbin still bengkak, but then esok dia ada important presentation. I wish her all the best. Esok, her office mate will come pick her up. All the best Gurbin, and Get well soon.

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