26 September, 2008


I took time off today after meeting Keith today. It went well with Keith, I submitted the latest questionnaires which are now Questionnaire Version 1 and questionnaire version 2. Keith is a bit busy reading Victor Ma,my fellow PhD colleague’s first draft. Victor is doing a research on Industrial relations in China. ( fuuuhhhh…syok nye….buat Industrial Relations research …) Keith is going on a holiday this coming Monday. So after meeting Keith, I left Flinders Uni to my secret location. Zuhur pun lambat lagi.

I don’t feel gud. I just don’t feel good deep within. ‘Jiwa Kacau’?Ramadhan yang penuh rahmat bakal berakhir? Trapped in a difficult situation? Being Misunderstood? Lost in Normality? Or shall I say, Lost in transition? Did I lose control of my freezer during the unfreeze and freezing process?or did I left my self to unfreeze too long that, I am now a liquid, in the same bowl and I am suppose to change bowl ?( Now, This is not change management class and as far as I am concern, I do not want to give any lectures on this freeze theory by Kurt Lewin, but if anybody is interested, they can go here =p ) lost and trapped dalam diri sendiri? Lost dalam dreams and vision ( terbayang benda benda on my vision space kat bilik…dan rasa sedih……..) ( mungkin dulu slalu tgk TV series LOST kot, sebab tu la diri sendiri pun dah lost ni…..)

I guess, I need to gear up and be the rescue team to rescue myself yang lost deep within. A few days till Ramadhan ends….will use it the best that I could.....

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