01 September, 2008

Happy Birthday Kak Nita !

Kak Nita is a Merdeka Baby so many years ago. Yes, She was born on the 31st of August (I dunno what year…) Since me and the girls went to Gepp Cross that Sunday morning on the 31st

of August, so we decided that we will surprise Kak Nita the next day instead. The planning was for Nadia to cook Nasi tomato, Suzie with sayur, Izati with Ayam mAsak merah ( sibuk dia nak beli peas bubuh dalam ayam merah but we lupa to buy at Marion…) and yours truly with the birthday cake ( macam terror je nak buat cake ….ala, cuba apa salahnye….)

I went to borrow kak Nita’s Hand Mixer on Sunday evening. She kept asking me what I want to do with her mixer. At first I said it’s a secret, but later I told her, I wanna make something for the face like facial mask or something. She believes it. Ha..ha.. ha…. That night, me Izati and Nadia mixed and Bake the cake. On Monday evening, I did the frosting. We bought some cooking chocolate. After double boiling it the texture of the chocolate was just nice and creamy, Not until Nadia told me to add some milk, so I did. The texture becomes a bit hard…hmmmm.. this is funny.. Back home it not like this.So I keep stiring and add the frosting form the box. Not realizing the weather in Adelaide is not like Malaysia. Dengan pantas, saya telah mengcover the whole cake and dengan sekelip mata ia terus menjadi keras. The cake looked like I dunno what to say… sungguh like ‘ROCKY ROAD’ he..he…

The 'Rocky Road' Cake

Berangan la smua nak letak strawberry la, kacang la, topping tu terus jadi mcm batu dah.….So, after everything is ready, I went to Hide at Nadia’s place becoz tak nak kak nita tau ada cake utk dia. Later dah dekat nak berbuka, we went to Kak Nita’s house. Kak Nita was so surprise to see the Cake and the present for her.

something 'small' for Kak Nita

Nasi Tomato

Tauhu sumbat

Ayam Masak Merah

Brocolli goreng


Bila waktu dah masuk, we baca doa buka puasa and kak nita cut the cake, we sang ‘happy birthday’ for her and ate the cake.Lepas solat magrib, makan lah nasi tomato and other dishes yang sangat sedap tu. Syukur Alhamdulillah dengan rezeki Allah beri. Hilang rasa sedih masing masing berbuka puasa jauh dari family.….Dan,.....jeng..jeng...jeng......selepas agak-agak 15 ke 30 minit, inilah hasil kreativiti masing masing melicinkan pinggan masing-masing….

he..he..he... =p

Happy Birthday Kak Nita!!!

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