14 August, 2011

Antara handbag dan Kangaroo Island

i have always wanted a handbag.. to be exact , a Nine West handbang. The reason why, lama tak beli handbag hehehe boleh gitu? My heart dropped when the Sales assistant in Nine West in Rundle Mall told me that the bag i wanted has sold out. Ini bukan kali pertama ye,  ini kali kedua... Bag yang saya nak, sold out.. asyik terlepas je.. Rasanya, ada dekat setahun dah tak beli handbag or nice shoes.. Or May Be God have a better plan for me, may be he wanted me to wait for the Chirstmas Sale .. hehehehe.... Insya ALLAH.. but i dunno, risky gak, nanti bag yang di sukai dalam the latest collection ni habis pulak... Melepas... ishh nak beli bag dah mcm mencari jodoh pulak ...

At the same time, i also look forward to go to Kangaroo Island with ISSU. The fee itself, i can get two or 3 Nine west bags but, the fee that ISSU offered is a good Deal !!!.. I don't know when i'll be in adelaide again to go to kangaroo island as it is expensive to take the normal tour.. kalau nak gi honeymoon ke, tak pe la kan.. ehcehceh...ehehehe..

So now, I am thinking, hand bag or kangaroo island?  Kangaroo Island experience, you can never get anywhere else, bentuk muka bumi, the beach, ferry ride, penguins.. ( ooohhh i love penguinss!!!), seals and baby seals..

Hanbags pulak, bertukar ganti.. entah lah, I don't know...

I may go for kangaroo island kot...kalau dapat Nine West handbag for birthday present bagus jugak, tapi sapa pulak yang nak bagi kan...hehehe in your dreams Skuna ! in your dreams !!!

But, actually, what i felt was, kerja teruk teruk dapat duit, sayang pulak rasanya nak beli handbag mahal mahal. Unless kalau gaji beribu yang memang makan tak habis sebulan, bleh la nak beli handbag mahal mahal smua..i used to want all those expensive bags, but bila dah bnyk imitation, rasa mcm tawar hati nak pakai hehehe...i then stick to Nine West, both for bags and shoes.. further more it is not as expensive like other brands..

hmmmm....since the internet is slow, tak dapat la saya upload gambar kangaroo island.. esok je lah ye...

Nite nite...

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