03 August, 2011

Ramadhan Day 3

It's Day 3...

May be because I ate Steak last night, I felt so heavy today..I dun usually eat beef, in Malaysia pun, we are more to chicken..

I went to the office to do my work, plus to attend Pi-Shen's Tutorial. I am kinda observing what Pi-Shen do. Pi-Shen is kind of my Boss la in the OB teaching team. So tomorrow, i'll start my first ever tutorial class in FLinders and also throughout my life.. hehehe... Kinda nervous. Looking at the attendance list given to me, it's a combination of Mat salleh and seorang dua cina. It's actually a subject for first year student but it is also a Masters's subject so the students varies.. Kinda scared jugak la...  CHek KETAQ DAH NI !!!!!

So tadi, i went to the office to pick up my teaching gear. things like marker pen, tutorial guide, attendance list, bla bla bla..

And, Tomorrow is my 3 minute thesis competition too.. I've did a bit of practice and is yet to practice more. Menang ke idak, bukan ukuran, the experience counts.. Liana pun ada skali utk competition esok. so only us two malaysian je.  Wish us luck !!! insyallah..

my food for berbuka is

Mee goreng / fried egg noodle

Berangan Plate up mcm masterchef hehehe...i also fried

It's an instant one, from the box.. because time constraint, i only took it out from the freezer and fry it. Tak de masa nak buat from scratch.. tak pe lah, rasa mcm kat Malaysia jugak hehehe

Okay, gotta go practise now, so that i dun make a fool of myself in front of the audiences

1 comment:

Che Kay said...

mee itu sunggoh menggoda. btw yg macam popia tu dlm dia ada pisang ke? petang tadi ada la jumpe menu macam tu kat PaRam.