03 August, 2011

Ape Daaa

SInce my last post, Yang kononnya nak practise hahahahaha...

Guess what i did..

selongkar Almari cari outfit yang paling best utk pakai esok.. kihkihkih...

All I have is Baju merepek, t-shirts, jeans..baju merepek again, a few blouses and baju merepek again... Nothing formal..I've packed my Ms Read Blazers into the box and seal it... ( i guess, i am being australianize here in terms of clothing..Coz, here, everything is casual or smart casual. Pakai Jeans pun boleh present kat conference, or pi mengajar, jauh beza dari Malaysia, where kita ada a certain dress code segala kan.. kena pakai blazer smua..pakai shirt and tie , formal lah..so that explain my lack of formal clothing, semua pun baju merepek yang sangat baju main main hehehe...)

i have put a few selections and lets just see esok apa jadi,

okay, Now, i really have to practise kihkihkih...

Nite nite !

1 comment:

Che Kay said...

wah! i wish dok obersea. hehehe tapi kat sini selalu jugak i 'langgar' etika berpakaian. kikiki. janji selesa.