26 August, 2011

Ramadhan's rezeki

Alhamdulillah, I was shocked when I was told via E-mail, Trembled like mad. but a few minutes later was happy. and forwarded the email and attachment to my dad only for him to reply through fon

"Ni anak Ahmad mana ni? but Tahniah..."

Hahahahaha i laughed

My scholarship provider and where i am attached to in Malaysia got my dad's name wrong. not wrong spelling but totally different name and that causes me a problem where the actual letter they sent me earlier didnt reach me.

Apa apa pun, i've already talked to the person incharge and hopefully things will be okay. Insyallah lepas ni jgn salah nama bapak lagi ok ;)

Alhamdulillah on the good news which was beyond my expectation and to tell the truth, I DIDN"T EVEN dream about it !!! NOT AT ALL.

Okay, now, must sort out duit raya for Mom and Dad each and also lil bro. I asked lil bro on  how much duit raya he wants? he replied, "depends on you la". oh not forgeting my lil nephew and niece ;)

Teringat pulak masa my bro pau i kat harbourtown Adelaide hari tu. beli 2 trackies kat harbourtown tu and also one shirt kat harbourtown Melbourne hehehehe was just getting baju raya for him although i tgh sengkek gak masa tu.  maybe i should deduct that from his duit raya hehehehe No lah, his duit raya this year will be full amount ..

My gratitude to ALLAH... Aminnnn

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