03 July, 2011

for the love of bihun

Only ALLAH knows my love for Bihun hehehe... Yeah, it might be kinda difficult to prepare it, Letih wo nak kacau bihun dalam kuali.. That's why i always pass the duty to Kakak back home. I taught her a few times and she can do even nicer than mine hehehe.. The fried bihun is just a basic bihun, using ikan bilis, cili, bawang putih, bawang merah as the base with bok choi or sawi and egg later. But kalau Kuewtiau, saya amik duty tu walau nak kena goreng 4 5 paket sekali pun hehehe ( usually kalau nak panggil cousins mazens datang lah...). Aih rindu pulak nak makan kuewtiau sendiri... apakan daya, the taste is not the same due to the fact that the bahan bahan here is different from Malaysia..( secret ingredient tak de kat aussie kihkihkih...)

Yesterday, i blended all the chilies. Today, i blended the onions... Kisahnya, this morning, since the weather is kinda nice, i smsed kak Hanim to go to the sunday market. We promised that if the weather is okay, we would go there. It's kak hanim's first time. She was stoked to see the cheap veggies.. Bawang satu bag tu is only $1. hehehehe... so i bought 2. satu nak blend and simpan, satu lagi utk stock hehehe.. And the whole 1 bag of onions are now blended and nicely sitting in the fridge. The blender broke down just after that.. SAPA NAK JAWAP??? hehehehe... Nasib baik ada Blender SUzie Mak Tam tinggal dulu...And nasib baik sempat blend bumbu nak buat bihun.

Seriously, i dun think the blender is rosak yet... don blame me on being in denial..hehehe mungkin overworked ke..so i leave it alone for a while, esok kita tgk, dia okay tak..

So, ada orang tu tgh happy dapat makan bihun goreng mlm ni...hehehe... esok buka puasa , ada choice nak makan bihun goreng ka bihun goreng ka hehehehe....okay la tu, stok makanan musim sejuk utk minggu ni dah settle.( apasal terasa mcm semut ( dldm cerita A bug's life) pulak..siap kumpul stock utk musim sejuk hehehe....ALhamdulillah rezeki ALLAH beri...

oh ya, one funny story, while i was peeling and cutting my onions, Sharon my hsemate came home from adelaide hills.looking at me cooking,we chat for a while before she asked me " are you stressed out?" i was like "Nooo" hehehe because she knows when i stress i will like cook, clean the house, wash my clothes, clean the fridge and all, and so happen i just finished cleaning my section yesterday, i once scrubbed the toilet early sunday morning which freak her out hehhee. "then why r you crying? poor u.." she added. I burst out into laugh.... " it's the onions !!!! making me all in tearss hehehee"
"oohhhh hahahaha " hahaha my housemate is so lawak one...

yeah, so, for the love of bihun, susah mcm na pun i tetap akan suka makan bihun... cinta itu buta they say huh?  Sambal kicap, sesenang mcm na pun, kalau tak suka tak suka la jugak... well, that's life...
But, there are times where, kita pun sukaaaaaa makan Steak, tapi kita tak mampu....yang tu mcm na plak?
anyone nak jawab?


etc said...

i always cry when i cut onions :/ you'd think i'd have built up a resistance by now, but apparently not.

well, sometimes you want steak, but you can only afford roti canai (tu pun dah mahal). but you never know, one day you might wake up and realise that steak was always overrated and roti canai is all that you needed all along!

What's luv gotta do ? said...

i agree with you amir !! ;)