24 July, 2011

the Kitties

PIngu getting Chubbier then ever.. 
What a good chubby boy he is...hehehe

Okay, Both photos below, kinda really WORRIES me !!!!..

 Hitler admiring the Fishies inside the FIsh

Now, Belle....

why? Look at that Glass Fish with little fishies inside.. Oh Dear ALLAH...I just wish that Hitler and Belle keep their paws off that thing !

OKay, how about this one..

I know, with one pounce, this Glass fish will go tergolek !!! NOOOOOO !!! i dun want to even think about it.. Of course the FISH is my mom's fav. She bought it overseas while followng Dad for his work ( Dad's a frequent flyers ) years ago before my dad retired. Our Jaws drop when she told me how she wanted this FISH to be carefully Wrapped so that she could bring home to Malaysia in one piece. She wanted to hold the fish on her own on their way back...Didn't let go of the Fish not even a minute !!! Her fren who also bought this FIsh was a bit unlucky, The Tail was broken when she unwrapped it in Malaysia.. ;((( even at home, nobody touches or  handle the FISH, not even the maid.. "Awak jangan buat apa kat ikan ni, nanti saya buat sendiri" to that extent !!! LOL... Mak .. mak... hehehehe

I know how my kitties just LOVE to break my mom's stuff so this really worries me.. Okay, long time ago,in the FISH, there was little fishies then she replace it with crystal chips and placed the glass fruits. ( corn, apple, pears, and what's not) and now, Mom's decided to put little fishies back !!!!! ARGHHHH !!!

I asked my Dad about Hitler's interest on the fishies, coz last time she used to be afraid of that little fisihes in this glass fish. My Dad says, "Ooo.. She's just looking only.. she never touch the FISH, I know, I always see her..Don't worry lah, she's just looking only..." Hitler is a Girl by the way.. she was named Hitler because of the patch he have under her nose.. kinda like hitler's moustache..
Yeah Dad, really helping...

Pingu once broke my mom's pitcher and Bowl, ( it's the one with english rose apa ke namanya.. ntah tak ingat) I have yet to replace it.. or i Did on my last trip..

Then Pingu broke 8 or 12  pieces of my mom's Correle plates in the Kitchen..

Then Hitler and Belle broke mak's See through Glass Vase with a lid, wich mak put all the precious stones. Precious stones are tiger's eyes, rose quartz, amethyst and God knows what else.. hehehe Mom and her likings...
Mom was very angry upset when they broke the glass, She nearly cried !! mak told me she took the bulu ayam and scolded Belle and Hiter..She didnt hit belle or hitler with it but just hit something else infront of thm and off they went scrambling.. and Yeah, Hitler and Belle is kinda scared of Mom.. But not Pingu..Pingu even once tried to rub mak's feet while Mak was on the phone ( trying to ambil hati huh pingu? hehehe)

Then Hitler broke Mak's hand ayat seribu Dinar written on Giacomo Plate we got in Central Market

Okay , I certainly do not want the Fish to be in the list !!!! Mana nak ganti Ikan tu oiiii !!!!!

1 comment:

Che Kay said...

meh layan lagu ni. sian dia dok teringat kat kucing2 dia.


p/s: i tak abis2 bergoyang. roh konsert tak abis lagi.