28 July, 2011

The ultimate Dream wedding

Aik.. Apa Akal ni cakap pasal wedding??

Naah, I was kinda dong my work, listening to my conversation with my beloved "MOM" ( my supervisor) during our meeting tadi..( Long gone the days when you can do your work and having all those nice tracks on your playlist..I now listen to myself and supervisor's voice...Aih... )

Actually, i pun tak tau celah mana boleh ter dapat Idea pasal Wedding ni actually.. Maybe coz mlm ni, ramai kawan update status pasal hsband tgk bola and stuff. hehehe.. Hopefully Malaysia menang lah kan...i tak de chance nak tgk. Kalau kat Malaysia, Boleh gak ajak kakak and my bro tgk hehe Bila teringat konsep husband and wife ni, It reminded me of a wedding event that happens 4 days in a row...a day after the wedding, newly weds flew off for their honeymoon. what's left was the mak ayah, sedara mara yang extra letih...kesian....sampai tak leh bangun..When my sister got married, it took us 3 days, Akad on friday nite, bersanding kat rumah on Saturday, and CLub reception on Sunday Night..My dad was still working at that time so we had so many people coming from all over Malaysia. Some of the subordinates came in buses from other states just to attend the wedding. Those were the people who see my sister, me and my bro grew up in various states in Malaysia and i donno how, but somehow rather, we're kinda close. ( when i was a kid, i LOVE to follow my dad to his office.. Sangat Cool okay looking at his desk, the letter opener lah, all kind of stationery, not to mention the highlighters hehehe, stapler besar, puncher besar.. colored papers. And those pens used for OHP slides.. zaman dulu mana pakai power point kan..I don't remember my dad having a computer but we had one at home.. it was APPLE. Zaman tu the computer still skrin hitam with green font and pakai floppy disk. I remembered the game me and my sis used to play, Donkey kong old version hehehe and Print Shop zaman dulu hehehe Print shop tu bukan la game tapi seronok kot create cards hehehe with printer yang bunyi bising tu hehehe..weh.. ni dah lari topik nih...)

So back to the wedding tadi, Tak tau mcm na boleh terfikir pasal wedding, and bila teringat wedding orang yang besar besaran dan mak ayah sampai letih tak leh bangun, jatuh sakit lepas wedding anak.. Kesian.. Mak Ayah bukannya muda, dah berumur pun.. They are not up to heavy duty stuff anymore..and wedding is a whole ot of thing to do !!!! i was thinking if i ever got Married, a simple celebration would be nice tanpa perlu bnyk menyusahkan orang ( mak ayah, sedara mara..) Kalau ada rezeki... Cuma nya, i have a specific dewan that I want... REALLY want to have my wedding reception. Kat mana? hehehehe I am sorry, i can't reveal it here. The dewan i am talking about is not even expensive but I really wanna have my wedding there one day. I even told my Mom and Dad that last time, but then again, if ada rezeki kan.. insyallah...

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