09 July, 2011

30 Day Challenge

Well, it's no longer 30 days since i started the challenge huhuhuhu.. But i'l continue

Question 12 : Your Thought or opinion on Harry Potter

Answer :

pics from here

I was introduced to Harry Potter by my cousins. The whole siblings ( the cousins I mean) are all into Harry Potter, including the father and Mother...Yes Amir, its your family I am talking about here hehehe

I then started buying Harry Potter books but up till only number 3 which is the HP and the prizoners of the Azkaban

itu pun I didn't managed to finish my number 3 book apatah lagi nak sambung yang number 4, 5, 6, and 7 which i didn't even have the chance to buy or read.

that's how my collection would look like if it's complete hehehe.. but i only have the first three which are the not that thick hehehe

I remembered watching Harry Potter the Chambers of Secrets with my then, very young cousins and their cousins, its amazing how we could squeeze Farah, Diana, Muna, Ehsan, Farhan, Me and my Sis into one car and went to watch in BUkit Raja hehehehe... everyone was so tiny back then that we could manage to squeeze into a kancil.

Well, i think Harry Potter is a cool series of books, but its a shame i still havent got the chance to read all the remaining books. There will always be something to be in the middle of me and  these stry books, ot only HP books, but the other novels as well... Sigh... i miss reading Danielle Steel's, Cecilia Ahern's ( i tried to read Cecilia Ahern's novel in 2007 after completing my MBA but cant afford to finish it coz i was tied up with my PhD proposal and till now, the book is still like the book on the shelve.)

Nasib baik ada movie so tak tertinggal heehehe...For now, i can't wait to watch the second part of part 7.

1 comment:

etc said...

epic series woo!