11 July, 2011


i am not suppose to be blogging.. hehehe, I am suppose to be writting my Thesis !!!!
BUt i decided to take a break early, my break is suppose to start in 15 minutes, coz thats when i get to rest and watch TeenWolf on 7.

My back hurts, My shoulder and neck is screaming for  massage, my brain says it's enough and my eyes says it wanna sleep.. but my heart says, it wanna blog !! hehehehe ( don't be scared guys, I havent gone crazy yet..)

i dun have anything to write pun, but saja seronok je.. Teringin nak makan cekodok pisang, Pisang pulak mahal di pasaran. The price of banana went up high after the queensland flood earlier of the year. They said, the price will be back to normal in august. That's when the stocks came in. I hope so... Teringin nak makan cucoq udang, tapi i dun dare do deep frying stuff. it's a personal thingy.. me and deepfrying, or where minyak goes splater arround, dun go together, although i still love cooking. Sometimes i pretended I am brave and i fight the fear, and the reward is either over cooked cucoq or undercooked cucoq. jadi lah, nak lepaskan teringin hehehe...sebab itu lah, nuggets, popia, chips, wedges, fish fingers, all goes into the oven with a coat of olive oil spray hehehehe...but u can't do that with cucoq kan... Dulu ada la housemate yang suka buat cucuq, tapi dia dah balik Malaysia dah.. hehehe

Teringin nak makan kari ikan mcm mak punya, tak de serbuk kari ikan pulak.. haihhh mcm mcm la kan...ye la, hari hari makan nasi goreng, bihun goreng, spageti goreng, sandwich tuna, sandwich telur, Bosan beb !!!  Tapi makan la jugak kan, beggars are not choosers..

Puasa is approaching, so i need to stock up my fridge so that nanti tak de la terkejar kejar nak masak , Magrib will be at 5 something where office also finishes at 5. so tak de la terkejar kejar nak balik awal utk masak. I dun expect much for Puasa or Raya. I am glad and blessed with what i have.. Tak pe lah, kalau berbuka sorang soran kat office pun, ;) ada hikmahnya kan... and i am recycling my baju raya from 2007, which is my baju konvo MBA, baju raya for 2007, and baju raya for 2008 and baju pakai pi event housing, and i am re usinging it for this year's raya, it still looks good, the colour is still like what it is when i bought the material.The beading is fine and in place.. I was thingking worth paying the price for the material and paying nancy for sewing such intricate baju. (baju konvo la katakan for that time hehehe...) Nancy  turned us down by not wanting to take the risk to sew the baju hahaha.... but mak told her don't give up, she can do it and she did, and guess what, my aunt wanted the same design and asked nancy to sew for her this year for the sons wedding. Nancy sure pening kepala at that time heheehe...I can still remember nancy's word when the baju is finally ready coz both me and my mom had the same thing done "Please do not bring me this kind of material and such design again okay... I have tough time sleeping at night thinking of your baju.. i am so affraid Okay !!!" hahaha.. but she did good !

okay okay, i will allow myself to stop babling now... i will go to bed already..

night night !!

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