17 July, 2011

Port Adelaide Trip

I went to Port Adelaide today with 44 other international students. The trip was organized by our ISSU ( International Student Service Unit). The 44 also includes Faridah and Kak Hanim hehehe.

The main goal to go to Port Adelaide is to see the Dolphins, which Port Adelaide is famous for. Yeah, I did saw dolphins but tak sempat amik gambar, laju benar dia swim.

We took the Dolphin cruise ( which was included in the fees we paid ISSU), Dolphin cruise is a 2 hrs ferry cruise along the river. you can either be outdoor or indoor to view the dolphins and the port view. We of course,  went straight to the Cafe and ordered Fish and Chips and hot drinks. While waiting we went out and about and spotted a few dolphins.. ( 3 je pun hehehe). then we enjoy the scenery while waiting for our fish and chips.

After the cruise and dolphin watching, we went to the SA migration museum, i LOVE this place... feels like u are on the ship. it's a 3 storey building with each storey's interior made into Ship deck interior. They showed us how people survived living in the ships for a few months before reaching Adelaide during their migration, Some died on the ship, some were born on the ship, and there's also the classification of rooms. Interesting to see..

After Migration museum off we went to the sunday market, it's and indoor sunday market.nothing much to see but all the 3 of us bought ourselves a Hat each to wear during summer. Yes, a big hat hehehe... Then we had coffee and donuts yang sangat sedap !!! Wa Cakap Luu punya sedap lah...  sedap sampai lupa nak take photos

Considering to change career? hehe

And then, it was time to go..when we reach Flinders, it was just in tiime to see this...

Subhanallah.....sangat cantik....  this view is not available anywhere else except in Flinders... will be missing all of this... ;(

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