20 July, 2011

Quote part two

I have been trying for so long..

it drives me crazy sometimes thinking about Qada' dan Qadar ALLAH..

But hey, the future are not our's to see..

I am accepting that things had happened, by all means, if i could change it, i would...

but now that with all the things that has happened, it will always still be there.It's engraved in the heart.

Bersyukur pada ALLAH kerana dikurniakan perasaan yang indah itu suatu ketika dulu, walaupun seketika.

I went all out, but sadly, it didn't turn out... it will all remain inside..

Yes, I am accepting things...

things that happen during the wrong timing and all others that had happen...

i hope there's rays of  hope in the end of the tunnel...

insyallah Amin...

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