01 July, 2011


i 've been hiding  in my room for the past few days.. Nope, i'm not hiding from anyone. But at this point of time, i felt comfortable working from home where everything is reachable although my internet credit is running low hehehe.. Naah, being at home, senang nak solat sebab jarak waktu sangat dekat. And the bed is also inches away ehehhehehe ( given the time the brain doesn't want to cooperate, kasi di tido je...abih cerita). Supervisor pun tak cari hehehe sibuk marking exam papers la katakan...

My room looks like its being hit by a tornado.. journals on one side, questionnaire on one side, books and text books on the other side, laptop, mini laptop and Mac...and my mini 'dapur', aihhhhh... anyone wanna be my P.A till the end of the year? hahaha.. to be my P.A., kna masak, kemas dapur, basuh baju, beli groceries <----- Yeah right husna, pandainyeee kamu ini...

These are the moments where i feel like doing those stuff is a burden although its daily life essential kan. Well, i am here alone, unlike my other friends yang ada other half where other half yang uruskan anak sekolah, masak, jemur baju and stuff.. there's one of my friend, according to her, the guys should treat their women like a princess. wahhh.. bagus betul.. but, bukan kah kalau u masak , membasuh utk suami, you dapat pahala, PAHALA Besar.. ni dah terbalik pulak, the husband yang masak membasuh utk dia.. it's kinda easy kan.. but i guess, itulah kerjasama suami isteri kan..APA yang Penting? KERJASAMA !!! unlike me, semua... SMUA kena buat sendiri termasuk jadi buruh angkut barang berat masa groceries naik bus ( at least kat malaysia ada kereta kan..) hehehe, i am not complaining, but there will come a day in my life, later in the future that i will remember these days that i go through right now...

PLus i dun have housemate yang boleh bekerjasama take turn masak or memasak untuk u bila tgh busy and stuff. Nak suruh my hsemate msak, hehehe dia hidang Pork dia nanti mcm na? hehehehe

Yeah, back to the 'BUrden' part, I only give myself half and hour to cook. I can't spend anymore than that. Time is precious !!! Rasa mcm nak ckp dgn mak, boleh tak pinjam kakak bwk datang sini kejap hehehehe.. BUt hey, I am no princess !

I havent cook a decent nasi goreng since my chili blend habis. I still can't find the time to make my chilli blend. and when i told kakak when i sembang with her on the phone the other day, she said, " kesian.." hehehehe.. nasi goreng, bihun goreng you name it, lama dah tak makan. i'm kinda living with egg, roti and klau sempat masak nasi, dapat la makan nasi telur dan kicap yang di goreng dgn butter.. Ouhh !! So unhealthy doncha think? Nasi dgn lauk? adehhh... tak dapat laa... to me, makan nasi dgn lauk is exclusively mewah!! plus susah nak bawak gi office, habis senang pun sandwhich and wraps je,  Okay, bukan niat saya nak COMPLAIN ye !!! ini time constraint saya ye ;)

I love cooking VERY MUCH and it's a theraphy actually, but now it no longer sooth me..( tgh BAPAK busy ni..) hehehe well, lets just see weekend ni, if i can put sometime to prepare BEKALAN untuk minggu depan. I will try !!! kalau tak, puasa je ye hehehee jimat, makan pun sehari sekali je,

Oh dear, speaking of Puasa, Puasa is gonna be all alone for me this year. No kak Zatul and Kak Za. I dun have malay housemates. Jadinya, mungkin saya akan join je orang berbuka puasa dekat surau maybe hehehe.. Pak arab usually have their iftars and the food they order is waaaayy terlalu bannyak sampai berbahagi masa Terawikh.

okay, enough rambling.. back to work now..

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